InAutomotive has revealed the top 10 areas where more automotive job adverts have been posted in 2018.
Over 5,000 jobs are posted on the job board every month. The figures below looked at where jobs have been posted in 2018, to identify where jobseekers are most in demand.

The heatmap above reveals that South East was the number one location. Over 10,000 job adverts were posted in this area in 2018.
The West Midlands came second – between 9,001 and 10,000 jobs were posted here in 2018, closely followed by the South West (9001 – 10,000).
Eastern England took fourth place. Over 8000 jobs were posted here in 2018. The North West came in fifth, where again. Over 7,000 jobs were advertised in 2018.
While demand for top talent grows in these areas, we should also take a look at the correlation between the particular jobs that are most in demand, in comparison to the amount of jobseekers who are actively looking for these jobs.
Taken from the data collected on our website, we have highlighted the top 10 areas for growth, YoY. We also looked at both the number of jobs advertised in each job category and the number of candidates who’ve signed up in the last year and indicated their interest in a category.
As seen above, the demand for Supply Chain roles grew in 2018 by 388.89%. The increase in candidates who also showed an interest in these roles in 2018 grew by 123.08%.
Demand for Technicians grew in 2018 by 90.63%, and there was also a 73.92% increase in candidates who searched those jobs on our job site.
While some of the jobs advertised in specific professions benefitted from plenty of candidates with an interest in those roles, some professions in the automotive industry didn’t carry the same interest in 2018.
Plenty of candidates showed an interest in bodyshop roles, for example – up 35.54% from 2017. However, jobs advertised in 2018 for the automotive bodyshop category increased by just 4.64%, suggesting the demand for bodyshop professionals wasn’t as high.
Dealership roles showed a balance, however. There was a 26.04% increase in sales jobs from candidates in 2018, and jobs advertised also increased by 20.83%.
General manager of InAutomotive Thomas Lowcock said: “The above gives us an idea of the areas where there are more automotive professionals sought, and in which area we are currently seeing a demand.
“There is obviously a big commercial demand for Technicians at present. This has been one of our more successful areas of growth in terms of candidates, so it’s great to see that demands are being met for our customers.
“Recruiting within the automotive industry currently has a great strain placed upon it, with the government still up in arms about Brexit. We’ve spoken to a lot of candidates recently who have been directly affected by this, but are still searching for work in the automotive industry. These are highly skilled candidates are searching for their next opportunity in the bodyshop and dealership areas, and qualified technician searching for work. So while our priority is to find top talent for our customers, it is also our duty to get as many candidates who have been impacted by Brexit back into work as soon as possible.”