Our latest offers
Take a look below to discover our latest offers, designed to help you save money on your recruitment!
Our offers are updated regularly, so keep an eye out for updates each month to find out what’s new.
The Social package
With a combined following of over 15,000 automotive professionals across our social platforms, we want to use this engaged audience to help you find the best possible candidate.
What does this package include?
-300 CV downloads
-Unlimited job postings on our job board
-x1 social takeover across our social media platforms
Package worth: £6,999
NOW: £2,999

Job of the week package:
Gain access to a job of the week posting, a targeted email and a social media post at a hugely discounted price. Register your interest below and our team will get back to you with more information.
Looking to organise your 2022 recruitment? Get in touch!
Or call 01772 639036
Or email recruiting@inautomotive.com
Why we do what we do
“We would definitely recommend InAutomotive. We have used their services twice and the response has been fantastic, each time with a lot more applications than previous recruitment methods.”

“Their team is friendly and offers a first class service. The site has proved to be a cost effective way of advertising and a great way to attract candidates UK wide which end with a fantastic response every time.”

“I chose InAutomotive over a number of other job boards for one really good reason – the way they engaged with me. My Account Manager listened to my needs and they never chased or tried any hard closes.”

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01772 639036
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