Check out our first newsletter for 2021! It’s jam packed with all the new and exciting features you can expect from InAutomotive in the next 18 months.

Track Account Usage & Applicants in Your New Dashboard
Welcome to your new InAutomotive dashboard! In the first of a series of guides showing you around the new and updated features of your Recruiter account, we’ll be taking you through the main areas of your dashboard and demonstrating where to find key information on...

Response to Covid-19 prompts relaunch of InAutomotive
InAutomotive, has announced that the automotive job site has undergone the biggest transformation in its 18 year history. Based on in-depth research into the industry, as well as extensive feedback and insights provided by InAutomotive clients and jobseekers, the site...

7 reasons why the CV is dead
It’s 1989 and you’re looking for a new job - your CV and accompanying letter is printed off (on good quality paper) and you’re ready to post it to your chosen company to see if any suitable vacancies exist. In the meantime, you also hit the streets with your CVs in...