InAutomotive is very happy to reveal its 2018-19 annual jobseeker report!
The report covers data collected around jobseekers from our website in 2018-19, and was created to guide hiring managers with their recruitment strategy in 2019, and provide jobseekers with insights to the industry. We published our very first annual report last year, and were pleased with the response we received from it.

Category profiles
The report includes data surrounding the following:
- Jobseekers and their job search
- Gender insights
- Salary
- Category profiles
- Job growth
- Job hotpoints

Salary insights
We also sat down with CEO Ian Partington to get his view on 2019, and ask him what the company is looking ahead to in 2020. Ian’s message is followed by a look in to the challenges recruitment has faced over the last twelve months, and we discuss the company’s approach to 2019 to combat them.

Gender insights
The report then moves on to discuss its approaches for the new year, and we also get to see some detailed jobseeker insights afterwards.
Ian said: “We received fantastic feedback surrounding the report last year, and were very lucky to have it featured in a number of publications. I hope this year we can provide as much, if not more advice to recruiters to support their needs.”
If you would like a copy of the report, click the button below to download it for free:
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